
One of 365 photos taken during the project. All of the photos in this post were taken with the Hipstamatic iPhone app.

I'm a nerd. There I admitted it. Today I completed a 365-day photo project. I know what you are thinking; You probably have achieved a 365 photo project several times during your 20-year career, and yes, you are a nerd.

A 365 photo-a-day project is a personal challenge where you take one photo daily for a year. This type of project aims to capture the small moments of life that are often overlooked and create a visual diary of experiences.

This was the first time I purposely shot a photo a day and tracked it using a fun camera app I've used for a few years. The app is Hipstamatic, and it tracks your photo streaks and stamps a passport with places you've visited. And yes, I realize that sounds even more nerdy.

Completing a 365 photo-a-day project was a rewarding experience. It taught me the importance of mindfulness, creativity, and perseverance. I discovered beauty in the most unexpected places and learned to appreciate the small moments of life that often go unnoticed.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was finding inspiration on days when I felt uninspired. Winter in Iowa isn't conducive to stellar photos, especially when trapped inside. But I found that even the simplest things can make an interesting photo.

If you're thinking about doing a 365 photo project, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Set realistic goals: Don't expect to take amazing photos every day. Just focus on taking pictures that you enjoy.

  • Set a reminder on your phone: I can't tell you how many times I broke the streak by forgetting to snap a photo.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment: Try different photography techniques and see what works for you.

  • Share your photos: Share your photos with friends, family, and on social media. It can help you to stay motivated and get feedback on your work.

A 365 photo project can be a challenging but rewarding experience. If you're willing to put in the time and effort, you can learn a lot about photography and yourself.

If you want to be a nerd like me, I encourage you to take on this challenge and share your experiences with others. Remember, every photo tells a story, and by taking one photo a day, you can create a powerful narrative of your life.

For more than two decades, Joseph L. Murphy has had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with people from all walks of life through photography. He has photographed presidents and heads of state, traversed the winding alleyways of the Fes Medina in Morocco, photographed the sprawling countryside and people that make up Argentina and covered events that have defined the U.S. Most recently, Murphy’s travels have taken him to Cambodia, Mexico, China, Vietnam and Ecuador.

He has spent the past 20 years specializing in agriculture photography for multiple organizations, publications and marketing projects.

A graduate of the University of Iowa, Murphy determined at an early age that his love of photography would shape his vision for life.